Home Treatments Pediatric Ophthalmology

What is Pediatric Opthalmology?

Pediatric ophthalmology is a specialised field of medicine dedicated to the comprehensive care of children's eyes. This branch of ophthalmology recognises the unique needs of young patients, setting it apart from adult eye care. The developing stage of a child's eyes and brain demands prompt attention, as any delay in treating eye issues can lead to lasting consequences, necessitating complex visual and social rehabilitation. As such, pediatric eye care requires highly specialised skills and training.

Pediatric Ophthalmologist: Ensuring Your Child's Visual Health

What does a Pediatric Ophthalmologist do?

  • Young children often struggle to describe their symptoms or respond to medical inquiries. Pediatric ophthalmologists excel in providing care that puts children at ease and encourages cooperation. They utilise vision tests tailored to the child's developmental stage and employ equipment specifically designed for pediatric patients.
  • Conditions Treated by a Pediatric Ophthalmologist

    A Pediatric Ophthalmologist addresses a range of eye conditions in children, including:

  • Uncorrected Refractive Errors (Nearsightedness, Farsightedness, Astigmatism): Research indicates that vision problems in children can contribute to learning difficulties. Pediatric ophthalmologists use their expertise to reassure the child and accurately assess their vision.
  • Strabismus or Squint (Crossed or Misaligned Eyes): Approximately 4% of children under six experience strabismus, a condition in which the eyes do not align correctly.
  • Amblyopia (Lazy Eye): Blurred vision in one or both eyes occurs when the connection between a child's brain and eyes does not develop properly.
  • Blocked Tear Ducts: This common condition in newborns results from tubes that do not open correctly, preventing tears from draining properly.
  • Allergic Eye Disease: One in four children experiences allergies that lead to frequent eye rubbing.
  • Pediatric Cataract: Cataracts, the clouding of the eye's lens, can occur at birth or develop during childhood.
  • Doctors recommend a comprehensive eye exam for

  • Babies born prematurely
  • Those born with a condition that increases their risk of eye problems, like Down syndrome
  • Children with a learning disability or developmental delay
  • Those with a family history of childhood eye disorders.
  • Signs & Symptoms

    Sensitivity to light with frequent blinking of eyes

    Crossed or misaligned eyes

    Persistent redness, or watery eyes or itchy eyes

    Frequently rubbing their eyes


    Tilting their head to see

    Watching television at a close distance


    1. What symptoms do children with poor vision present with? When should children get their eyes checked?

    A child with poor vision may manifest in the following ways:

    • Sits too close to the TV
    • Squinting or crossing of eyes
    • Adopting an unusual position of head or face (looking through the sides)
    • Itching or rubbing of the eyes
    • Redness in the eyes
    • Sensitivity to light

    Any of the above symptoms or complaints from your child should not be neglected. Some eye conditions and diseases are hereditary and can affect your child as well. Consult your child’s doctor or an ophthalmologist at the earliest for early detection and treatment of eye disorders.

    2- How is a squint diagnosed?

    A squint can be diagnosed through a comprehensive eye examination performed by a squint specialist. The examination may include tests to evaluate eye movements, visual acuity, and binocular vision. In some cases, additional tests such as imaging or orthoptic evaluation may be recommended to determine the underlying cause of the squint.

    3- What are the treatment options available for a squint?

    The treatment for a squint depends on its underlying cause, severity, and the patient’s age. Non-surgical options may include prescription eyeglasses, eye exercises, or the use of prisms. In other cases, surgical intervention may be necessary to adjust the position of the eye muscles and align the eyes properly.

    4- What is the right age to plan squint surgery?

    If your child is having squint which requires surgery, earlier the better. Getting squint surgery done within 6 years of age can lead to complete vision development including binocular vision and is often recommended. Discuss with our pediatric squint specialists to know exact timeline of your child’s squint surgery.

    5- Do children need glasses?

    If children are not able to see small letters clearly or have a significant glass power or squint, then they MUST wear glasses for all their daily activities.

    5- What is lazy eye?

    Lazy eye is when your eye is functionally not improving with glass power but anatomically eye looks normal.

    Expert Pediatric Ophthalmologist in Santacruz

    Procedure At IKSHA

    We, at IKSHA, have an exclusive pediatric eye care facility with state-of -the-art operation theatre managed by dedicated pediatric eye care staff, and is headed by our highly trained pediatric ophthalmologist who offers dedicated service all seven days a week.
    FUN FACT- Even before the child can speak, a pediatric ophthalmologist can tell what a child sees, if the child needs glasses, or if the child have any vision problem.


    Testimonials from our patients

    We understand that clear and enhanced vision is a precious gift that transforms lives. With each individual and family, we’ve had the privilege to serve, our commitment to exceptional eye care has yielded more than just healthier eyes! We proudly share the heartfelt experiences of our patients, who have entrusted us with the chance to serve them, enhancing their life experiences.

    Azad Pandey

    This is my first visit with Doctor 1 Pooja, she has understood our problems and explained what best can we done formy 2yrs child. The best think is she gives time to the patient. Looking forward for better guidance

    Siddharth Prakash

    This is a state of the art Ophthalmic center and is fully equipped. Dr Bhushan and Dr Pooja are very good clinically and very good with patients. My daughter has been seeing her for years and Dr Pooja’s friendly nature puts children at ease. | would recommend this eye clinic for all eye surgeries and also for eye check up for children.

    RM Raju

    Had a great experience in my first ever visit. Dr. Pooja was examined my child and she's just fantastic doctor i ever met. Check up was done at much affordable cost, staff co-operation. Highly highly recommended to everyone.