The Impact of Excessive Screen Time on Children’s Eyes: Tips to Avoid Eye Strain

excessive screen time

In today’s digital age, it is more common than ever for children to spend long hours in front of screens. This can have several adverse effects on their eyes, including eye strain, dry eyes, and headaches. In some cases, excessive screen time can even lead to more severe vision problems, such as nearsightedness.

Here is a closer look at the impact of excessive screen time on children’s eyes:

  • Eye strain: Eye strain is a common problem that can be caused by any activity that requires close focus, such as reading, writing, or using a computer or tablet. When children spend long hours staring at screens, their eyes have to work harder to focus, which can lead to eye fatigue, blurry vision, and headaches.
  • Dry eyes: When we blink, our tears help to keep our eyes moist and comfortable. However, when we stare at a screen for long periods, we tend to blink less often. This can lead to dry eyes, irritation, burning, and discomfort.
  • Headaches: Headaches are another common problem that can be caused by excessive screen time. The exact cause of screen-related headaches is not fully understood, but it is thought to be due to a combination of factors, including eye strain, dry eyes, and muscle tension in the neck and shoulders.
  • Nearsightedness: Nearsightedness, also known as myopia, is a condition where people can see objects close up clearly, but things farther away are blurry. Nearsightedness is becoming increasingly common in children, and some studies have linked excessive screen time to an increased risk of developing this condition.

Parents can do many things to help protect their children’s eyes from the adverse effects of excessive screen time. Here are a few tips:

  • Limit screen time: The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that children under the age of 2 should have no screen time, and children ages 2 to 5 should have no more than two hours of screen time per day. The AAP recommends limiting screen time to no more than three hours per day for older children.
  • Encourage regular breaks: When children use screens, it is essential to encourage them to take frequent breaks. The 20/20/20 rule is an excellent guideline to follow. This rule states that children should look away from the screen every 20 minutes and focus on an object at least 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds.
  • Adjust the screen brightness: The brightness can also affect eye strain. Ensure that the screen is not too bright and that the contrast is set so the text is easy to read.
  • Make sure the child’s eyes are healthy: If your child has any eye problems, such as nearsightedness or astigmatism, make sure they are wearing glasses or contact lenses.
  • Set a good example: Children learn by watching the adults in their lives. If you want your child to limit their screen time, make sure you are setting a good example by limiting your own screen time.

By following these tips, you can help protect your child’s eyes from the adverse effects of excessive screen time. In addition to the tips above, parents can do a few other things to help their children’s eyes stay healthy. These include:

  • Taking children for regular eye exams. This is especially important for children at an increased risk of developing vision problems, such as those with a family history of eye problems or who are nearsighted.
  • Encouraging children to spend time outdoors. Natural light helps to protect the eyes from harmful blue light.
  • Teaching children about good eye hygiene. This includes washing their hands before touching their eyes and not rubbing them too often.


Excessive screen time can have a negative impact on children’s eyes. However, there are a number of things that parents can do to help protect their children’s eyes from these effects. By following the tips in this blog, parents can help their children enjoy the benefits of technology without harming their eyes.

Top 10 Signs Your Child Needs Spectacles


As a parent, it’s crucial to be aware of the signs that your child may need glasses. Vision problems can significantly impact your child’s ability to learn and navigate their world, and early detection and intervention are key to ensuring they have the support they need to thrive. In this blog, we’ll delve into each sign in more detail, so you can better understand what to look for and what to do next.


Squinting is one of the most common signs that your child may need glasses. If you notice that your child is squinting or closing one eye to see things better, it may indicate that they’re having trouble seeing clearly. Squinting can temporarily improve vision by narrowing the aperture of the eye, which reduces the amount of light entering the eye, and thus can make it easier to see.

Sitting Too Close to the TV or Computer

sitting too close to the TV

If your child is consistently sitting too close to the TV or computer screen, it may be a sign that they’re struggling to see what’s on the screen from a distance. Sitting too close can cause eye strain and fatigue, leading to headaches and difficulty focusing.

Frequent Headaches

Headaches can be a sign of many different things, but if your child is experiencing frequent headaches, it may be due to eye strain from struggling to see clearly. Eye strain can cause particularly noticeable headaches in the forehead or temple region.

Tilted Head or Covering One Eye

If your child tilts their head or covers one eye to see things better, it’s a sign that they’re having trouble seeing out of that eye. Covering one eye can reduce the amount of visual information the brain has to process, making it easier to see clearly.

Eye Rubbing

If your child is frequently rubbing their eyes, it may be a sign of eye strain or fatigue from struggling to see clearly. Eye rubbing can further exacerbate eye strain and can even cause eye infections if hands are not clean.

rubbing eyes

Holding Books or Objects Too Close

If your child is holding books or other objects too close to their face, it may be a sign that they’re having trouble seeing from a distance. This can be particularly noticeable when reading or doing other close-up activities.


Vision problems can also affect your child’s coordination and balance, leading to clumsiness or poor motor skills. This can be especially noticeable when your child plays sports or engages in other physical activities.

Sensitivity to Light

If your child is sensitive to light or frequently squints in bright light, it may be a sign that they have an underlying vision problem. Light sensitivity can cause discomfort and make it difficult to perform everyday tasks in bright environments.

Struggling to Read or Write

If your child is having difficulty reading or writing, it may be due to vision problems that make it hard for them to see the letters or words clearly. This can lead to frustration and difficulty keeping up with their peers in school.

difficulty reading

Lack of Interest in Visual Activities

If your child seems disinterested in visual activities like reading, drawing, or watching movies, it may be due to difficulty seeing or a fear of failure. This can lead to a lack of engagement in school and social activities, which can impact their overall development.

If you notice any of these signs in your child, it’s important to schedule an appointment with an best optometrist or ophthalmologist to have their vision evaluated. Early detection and treatment of vision problems can significantly improve your child’s quality of life and help them succeed in school and beyond. Don’t hesitate to advocate for your child’s eye health – their vision is too important to ignore.

How to give correct spectacle power to children?

Vision development is one of the most important milestone for child’s development & building a promising career. It’s the key to perform better in academics, sports & other activities. After birth, eye growth takes place and gradually vision develops to its full potential provided clear image falls on retina (posterior part of eye). Any refractive error will blur the image and this will hamper complete vision development.   Uncorrected refractive errors in children lead to poor academic growth, injuries, reduced social participation, and functional impairment. Correction of visual impairment with spectacles is the most cost-effective intervention for improving eye care and thus the productivity and functionality of children.

Signs of Vision Problems

Since children usually don’t complain about vision problems, few signs can help you understand need for eye checkup.

  • If the child is complaining of discomfort in eyes
  • Rubbing or blinking or squeezing their eyes
  • Covering one eye
  • Regular headaches
  • Seeing double
  • Losing place when reading
  • Watching television too closely
  • Repeated eyelid swellings

When the child is facing these issues, there is a need for eye specialists. Spectacles have a quality of being simple to use, non-invasive and inexpensive. However, spectacle power calculation is entirely different in children as compared to adults. Their inherent eye muscle power makes it difficult to determine exact spectacle power by automated machines. Specific eye drops are required to relax eye muscles. Correct spectacle power calculation thus play an important role in such children as their entire life depends on it.

As a responsible parent, you must plan a visit to an experienced Pediatric Ophthalmologist if they notice the aforementioned eye problems in their child. They will guide you through opting for the right spectacles & contact lenses for your child. The proper treatment will manage eye issues and reduce the chance of increasing eye problems.

Schedule an Appointment with a Pediatric Ophthalmologist.

Different refractive error

A child with impaired vision may experience the following issues:

Myopia: When a child can’t see things far clearly, it is a standard error in children.

Hyperopia: This type of vision issue is not very common among children. Kids face issues reading or seeing things close to them.

Astigmatism: Children usually see objects blurry due to light rays preventing them from meeting at a common focus.

When you visit pediatric eye specialist, he/she will do a thorough eye checkup which includes visual acuity test to see how the objects appear & eye alignment to see how the eye functions. After putting eye drops, they recommend spectacles if required.

  • In children, spectacle power matters and spectacle frame plays crucial role in delivering that power and at the same time protecting the eyes. Thus, it is necessary to be careful before choosing them. As children are always active, frames can break and hurt the eyes thus selection of right frame and good fit is very essential.

Following are essential factors to keep in mind when selecting glasses for kids.

  • Choose round or rectangular frames which cover whole eyes.
  • Opt for plastic frames which are durable
  • An elastic strap can help to keep glasses in position for active kids
  • Polycarbonate lenses are best as they are tough, shatterproof & light.
  • Hard coat lenses are recommended as they are less prone to scratches and stronger.

It is necessary to be clear with instructions for points like

  • In children, glasses are usually meant for constant use unless specified,
  • Always wear and remove glasses with eyes closed and hold glasses with both the hands ,
  • It is most important to clean the glasses & should also be aware of how to clean them.


Suppose you see similar issues with your kid; don’t delay any more & book an appointment with Iksha Eye Care. We provide exceptional eye care, professional approach & treatment. You can book an appointment with the best pediatric ophthalmologist in Mumbai to treat your child. Iksha Eye care is one of the top-rated eye hospitals in Andheri, Mumbai.

How To Take Care of The Eyes Of Children?

As we all know, the eyes are one of the most sensitive and essential organs, and it is vital to take care of them. In contrast, children are the most innocent and mischievous ones. So, It is necessary to look after them and ensure they are not hurting themselves, especially their eyes. First eight years of life is critical for vision development and eye brain coordination.

Before we move ahead, it is crucial to understand and remember the difference between a paediatrician and a paediatric ophthalmologist. A paediatrician is a child specialist who provides the overall medical care of the children, and a Paediatric Ophthalmologist is an eye specialist who has specialised in the care of children’s eyes. So, a paediatrician performs limited eye examinations whereas a Paediatric Ophthalmologist evaluate the child’s eye in detail with specialised equipments and several additional tests.

There are many decent Paediatric Ophthalmologist centres; Iksha Eye Care, Andheri (Mumbai) centre has one of the best Paediatric Ophthalmologists in Mumbai with experience of more than a decade. It provides extensive eye care services, has one of the finest child eye care infrastructures for safe and hassle-free services, and offers one of the best squint surgery in Mumbai.

Simple and Easy Ways to Protect Your Children’s Eye

Resting of Eyes

Children often indulge in numerous activities like playing online games, watching YouTube videos, reading, writing, etc. Such activities put a strain on the eyes. Therefore, it is our duty to make sure that children are not continuously engaging themselves in such eye-straining activities for a longer period. Taking at least 30-40 breaks between all such activities for a child is mandatory to maintain their proper eyesight.

Healthy Diet

Adopting a balanced diet that includes green leafy vegetables, carrots is essential to keep our eyes healthy, especially of children. One should avoid giving junk food to children. Fruits like papaya, orange are rich in vitamin A and C, berries and almonds are rich sources of vitamin E which acts as antioxidants, fish like salmon are rich sources of omega 3 fatty acids. All these are very important for maintaining good eyesight in children.

Regular Eye Check-ups

As a responsible parent, the most important thing to do is to ensure that the eyes of their children are developing properly with proper eyesight. One can schedule eye check-up according to vaccination schedule which is easy to remember. Always remember, at birth child can see things only close to face and gradually the vision develops and reach adult values by 6 to 8 years of life. Regular Eye check-up at 6 months,1 year, before preschool (3 years), before pre-primary (5 years) and then annually is important.

Outdoor Activities

In this world of digitalisation especially in the post-covid pandemic era, it is difficult to convince a child to leave online games, videos and engage in outdoor games and activities. But it is essential. If a child continues to engage in various digital screen activities, it will negatively affect their eyesight, leading to major long term eye related problems like dry eye, progressive myopia etc.

Sleep Schedule

Nowadays, children are usually on their phones/tablets, it has become imperative for them to have a proper sleep schedule; otherwise, it will affect their eyesight. It’s important to make a habit of no screen 2 hours before going to sleep for inducing sound sleep for your little one.

Avoid Eye Rubbing

Children unknowingly rub their eye which is usually noticed by parents but ignore it as just another child’s habit. It is essential to check on them and ensure they avoid rubbing their eyes. Eye rubbing can affect corneal development and can change spectacle number frequently and is an important cause for abnormal corneal shape like keratoconus etc.